Noon Lunch & Presentation
Join us at the visitor center to enjoy a catered lunch and presentation by DNR Trails Planner Kent Skaar. Get an insider scoop on the incredible state trail projects underway across Minnesota, including the recently rehabbed trail connecting Fort Snelling to Coldwater Springs and Minnehaha Park.
1 PM Group Bike Ride or Hike
(choose an option)
3-Mile Bike Ride (~20 min) Hop on your bicycle and join a leisurely ride led by P&TC President Brett Feldman that will follow the 1.5-mile rehabbed trail from the visitor center to Coldwater Spring National, then return on your own.
6-Mile Bike Ride (~45 minutes) Continue on to Minnehaha Falls, then return.
1-Mile Hike (~30 min) Join an easy hike led by Lisa Filter that will follow a loop trail from the visitor center that will take about 30 minutes.
St. Paul, MN 55111