misty grass

Parks & Trails Earth Day – Friends Group Sponsorship

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Friends groups are invited to partner with P&TC to host a stewardship event at your park or trail on April 23, 2022.

Download partner toolkit (PDF)Submit event plan & apply for mini-grant


Earth Day is celebrated as a day to volunteer and give back to the planet. The DNR celebrates Earth Day on April 23 by offering free entrance to all of their state parks. On this day, we envision a statewide volunteer day where Minnesotans can find a nearby park or trail and give back by helping to clean up and prepare for the upcoming summer season.

We invite friends groups to sponsor and coordinate an event at their park or trail, partnering with Parks & Trails Council and the DNR. Your group will use this toolkit to plan the event.

Please note that not all local DNR staff have capacity to partner on this event, please check with them before participating. If your group partners with a local land management agency, contact them directly to share this opportunity.

Steps for Friends Groups

  1. Download toolkit.
  2. Arrange meeting with DNR or agency staff.
  3. Fill out toolkit together, especially page 3.
  4. Share event plan and apply for $150 mini-grant by February 14.

Event Schedule

8:00amSet up
9:30amStewardship activities
11:45amClosing/thank you
12:00pmEvent ends/clean-up