Two women with three children all on bicycles
January 19, 2021

5 Ways Nature Time Makes Us Healthier

Two women with three children all on bicycles

1 It helps us feel healthy and happy

Spending at least two hours in nature (such as parks, woodlands and beaches) per week, has been associated with significantly more likelihood of reporting good health or high well-being. And just 20 minutes spent in urban parks, regardless of physical activity, has been linked to improvements in life satisfaction.

wispy pink threads of a plant blowing in the wind

2 Strengthens our immune system

Spending six hours walking in a forest over two days has shown to result in a significantly increased number and activity of virus-fighting cells in the body as well as increased anti-cancer proteins and decreased stress hormone levels.

Older man fishing on pier at sunset

3 Lowers depression, anxiety and stress

Weekly group nature walks have been linked with significantly lower depression, less perceived stress and enhanced mental health and well-being.4 Compared to urban experiences, nature ones have been shown to lead to greater decreases in anxiety, rumination and nagative affect.


4 Decreases high blood pressure

Viewing forest landscapes has shown to lead to lower concentrations of cortisol, lower pulse rate, and lower blood pressure

person walking in long grass toward overlook

5 Improves memory

Taking a walk in a tree-filled natural setting versus along a busy city street has been shown to improve performance on memory tests by 20 percent.


About Lisa Filter
