May 7, 2020

Friends groups creatively connect people to their parks through activities

Friends groups thrive on bringing people together within the park or trail they support. They organize educational events, volunteer work days, and social gatherings. Now, within the context of social distancing guidelines, friends groups are getting creative in how they are connecting their community with the park. See two examples here.

ABCs of Chester Woods  •  Friends of Chester Woods

This self-guided activity allows kids and families to dig deep into the wonders of the park by examining a topic for each letter of the alphabet (minus Q!). Seek out a specific place or do some of research to understand more about that topic. Folks are invited to draw, take a picture, or simply write about their discoveries. Once completed, share it with the Friends of Chester Woods for a chance to win a prize!

Spring Scavenger Hunt  •  Friends of Tettegouche State Park

Map showing location of Tettegouche state parkParents, whip out your phones to help your kids find specific things when you’re at the park. The Spring Scavenger Hunt highlights some awesome things you can find, with some tidbits to learn more about them. Once you make it through the 10 items, you’ll be able to upload some photos and enter information for the kids to be able to win a grand prize at the end of the season!

About Ashley Pethan
