kids filling a hole of a newly planted tree
March 15, 2022

Eight friends groups receive grants from P&TC in 2022

Parks & Trails Council continued its popular Friends Group grant program in 2022 by issuing grants ranging from $350-$3,450 to eight friends groups. As a stewardship partner to specific parks and trails, Friends Groups can play a significant role in supporting habitat restoration efforts, trail restoration, and nature play amenities for kids. Special thanks to the DNR for their assistance in reviewing and providing feedback on some of the applications. All projects have been coordinated in partnership with the land management agency and spearheaded by Friends Group volunteers. Friends Groups also committed to contributing financial matches to their projects, complementing the financial investment put forth by P&TC.

We have been thrilled to partner with the following groups and appreciate the hard work that has gone into their restoration projects.

2022 Grant Recipients

Friends of Blue Mounds State Park


Tree planting and protection in the campground to replace hazard trees.

Frontenac State Park Association


Tree planting and protection in the campground and use area to replace ash trees.

Friends of Sunfish Lake Park


Plant 125+ trees and protect with tubes to aid in oak savanna restoration.

Friends of Wild River State Park


Map of Mn with Wild River State Park pinpointed

Design and build a new nature play area near the campground.

Friends of the Casey Jones State Trail Association


pinpointing Casey Jones State Trail on Minnesota

Collecting native prairie seeds for planting along the trail next year.

Friends of Indian Heights Park


Erect deer exclosure fence around 8 acres of prairie.

Friends of Tettegouche State Park


Map showing location of Tettegouche state park

Support year two of nature play area development.

Zumbro Bottoms Back Country Horsemen


Plant native shrubs along a trail restoration at Zumbro Bottoms State Forest.

About Ashley Pethan
