Meet our Friends Group Partner

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is proud to act as the fiscal sponsor for Friends of Maplewood State Park.

As a fiscal sponsor, we partner to advance their cause and provide the tools and building blocks to run a nonprofit, including receiving, holding and administering funds on behalf of the friends group.

Friends of Maplewood State Park

Maplewood pinpointed on MNMission

To support and encourage the park’s recreational, interpretive, educational and environmental activities through leadership, volunteerism, program development, and fund raising.

Friends Since


Logo shows outline of two people with colorful maple leaves
DNR staff collecting maple sap
Collecting maple sap for the Maple Syrup programs.
Workers putting up the siding on the sugar shack
Putting up the siding
Crafting station in the park
The annual Maple Leaf Days is a key event for the Friends.
Park visitors gathered around campfire during candlelight ski event
Friends tend the bonfire for the candlelight ski event
Picnic shelter on hill
The stunning picnic shelter built by the Friends Group

Friends of Maplewood State Park


Learn How to Fish

Music and Laughs

Watercolor World

Music in the Park

Maple Syrup Day

Two people walking on snowy trail lit by candles

Candlelight Trail Event

Scavenger Hunt Banner

2021 Scavenger Hunts

kid practicing drilling into tree to tap for maple syrup

[CANCELED] Maple Syrup Demonstration Day

Woman skiing at Frontenac

Candlelight Ski/Snowshoe/Walk

Water Color Painting

Friends of Maplewood State Park


Friends of Maplewood State Park

Our Partner Grant Project

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota offers grants to support friends groups' projects.

Our Related Advocacy Work

Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota is a strong voice at the state capital working to ensure Minnesota’s parks and trails are protected and cared for. We work with friends groups to identify critical projects that need government support.

Meet Another Friends Group